Monday, September 18, 2006
Color me pretty...

As most of us women, I am a sucker for pretty words. Without them, there's no way to justify it all. Our sinful living. Our greed. I want to live a spiritual life, but am I on a path to righeousness yet? I don't know. People like to have more money. Because...they like to have more freedom. Money is bad allright. But without freedom, how can we be spiritual? Without freedom, there's more sin, there's no beliefs of your own, there's no will. For some, spirituality is yoga, listening to Mozart, or charity. To me, it's art! And theater. And the pretty words...

So here I go...another victim, fallen into a pit of poetry.
1.Life isn't us people just standing in line
And waiting for some happiness;
Life isn't a fabric of dreams pouring out
On naked free willed consciousness.

2.Life isn't a game where you're planning out
To concur or concurred you'd be;
Life isn't a butterfly flying to light...
Or fire to meet destiny!

3.Life isn't a boat with a captain that sails
Through ocean's most devious storms;
Life isn't a theater stage, where a man's
An actor that acts and performs.

4.Life isn't a jungle with animals wild
Who seek for a pray on their trails;
Life isn't an apple tree that only thrives,
If weather is warm and it rains...

5.Life isn't a shopping spree neither, where sales
Are hurried decisions to make.
Life isn't a journey in strange city, where
Each sudden turn is yours to take.

6.Life isn't a fortune wheel, spinning a fate
In powerful, wind driven hands;
Life isn't a place where history rules
With sacrifice-making demands.

7.Nor life is a court with a quick thinking judge,
For everything goes by the book;
And no, it is not superstitions and signs,
That put every step on a hook.

8.But life is fantastic mosaic of glass,
With speckles that form stories plot,
With myriads of hues, life is Muse, life is Love,
A twister of all that it's not.

OK, the idea for this poetry is a dream that I had when I was really little. I dreamt that as I was walking down the street, all I saw was lines and lines of people, and I was perplexed about what were they waiting for, why these lines were so long, and after some more wondering, I realized that they were "happiness" lines. Now I think because I was little, that was my subconscious understanding, that our meaning in life is in finding some great happiness...


posted by Angel @ 12:00 PM   Comments
Sunday, September 10, 2006
In the eye of the beholder...

I got a book by Don Seegmiller and here's the first excercise in it(a step by step tutorial). I forgot about the bloody veins in the eyes! Let's pretend they're there. Don says to never mind about the details('cause the devil is their resident) and eyelashes. I broke the rule, as I always love to, and attempted the forbidden lashes. What's wrong with lashes and details anyways(Just teasin" - they were my favorite part)


posted by Angel @ 12:24 AM   Comments
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Struck by the Blade

I've been struck by the Blade - the vampire blade, that is, and it comes closer to my heart than I ever thought. I love the new show(about to end its 1st season), and it's easy to indentify myself with the main character Krista, being troubled and wanting immortality, and simply being so, so hungry for life.
David, too, has been in sync with me, reading the vampire filled book called "Hipiro". AHH, the underworld filled with danger and adventure, it is the most magical and enticing world that attracts young and (other)young.;-)
Here's a sketch I did and then quickly "inked" with Illustrator. It's my version of the new "Blade". There're some probs, and it's not the same as a pencil sketch, which has a lot of drama to it, but hopefully, it will look beter in color(Photoshop to the rescue!)
posted by Angel @ 1:28 AM   Comments
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