Saturday, September 01, 2007
Liquid creations - start of the series - OIL PAINTING

If you've been wondering where have I disappeared in the summer, worry not...I have a lot of wonderful developments on the horizon. I am working on a professional website, meanwhile I have a LIQUID CREATIONS collection of gorgeous oil paintings that I'd like to present over this week, and more! I have been working exclusively in OILS since I have received such an immensely positive feedback, and painting about 8 hours a day has become my daily routine. I also went "knee deep" into pastel portraiture so more about that soon!
What do I like to paint? I don't want to lock myself into any particular niche just yet, but I've found that I like fantasy. I like to take something real and turn it unreal. So this brings me to...
Introducing "Liquid Creations", my August 2008 collection. Everything you can drink of, but with a twist!
I am starting innocently enough, with "HAPPY HENNESSY"
8"x10", length-wise, done in old masters/Flemish technique, "Happy Hennessy" by Angela Leppard. There's a word "Happy" written on the bottle of Hennessy, and a blue violet flower is nodding proudly from the sniffer glass. Founded by Irishman, this cognac has won over roalty and well-known names, linking its image with prestigious places and special events, and earning a reputation of a top quality, luxury product. Through this glorious painting, 240 years of Hennessy history are shining through and the viewer is mesmerised by colours of golden glow and blue reflections.

This ageless masterpeice will cheer many hearts and will fill any room with a feeling of "HAPPY"! Objects in the painting appear to be glowing with a warm, orange colour against a completely black background.

The canvas is a highest quality portrait grade duck cotton, which I sized myself and primed with 50% acrylic primer/ 50% modeling paste, making it very strong and eggshell-smooth, like a panel board. I do not use any extenders or thinners for my technique, and the paints I use are a combination of Maimeri Puro and Robert Doaks, which have the highest pigment load and handle exceptionally. Notice the intensity of reds. All pigments are extremely lightfast, even the black one - they will never discolour over time.

How I paint: I am very passionate about painting, so I paint fast, the paints are literally flying everywhere and stuff is falling around me constantly. I am always painting in the "momentum", and I take breaks before I lose it, tire, and before my heart stops beating fast. I think this is the key to inspired, fresh painting, -- a painting that I feel has a life of it's own. If I stopped to doubt, to read a book, to open a computer file, it would not work. I let the painting do the teaching, while I enjoy the process, that's all there's to it.

Liquid Creations...When I came up with them I hoped to put more emphasis on "creations", rather than "liquid". After all, drinks are just a human factor, which does not belong to the sea. They can be enjoyed in space, in the air, in the water, and on the ground/and under! We like them everywhere. Drinks have become essential part of our living, a ritual of a certain point in time and space. Where would the wedding be without a champaigne? What ballgame can you imagine without a beer? Who would be murdered without my morning coffee?
Anyways, I've been told to NOT interpret my paintings, so why don't YOU see your world in them and read them for me?


posted by Angel @ 9:37 PM  
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