Sunday, October 14, 2007
Golden Sunset - Oils on cradled hardboard

This a very bright painting, with a sense of glow, where the lit parts stand out even in the darkness. Look for all sorts of shapes in the clouds! Since this is a digital photo of an actual, still-wet painting, this image desires to be reproduced better - the colors are still brilliant but on the photo are much darker than in reality; and yet when I brightened it in Photoshop the photo has become washed out, losing most of it's rich orange and mahogany colors; in a week or two I will try to scan it. Here is a good example of a direct, one sitting painting. Since I don't use any mediums or chemical dryers I will let the painting dry on its own and then will apply another layer of transparent yellows and oranges and will perform minor adjustments, and then sign it. This is number 9 in my Liquid Creations series, which is all about drinks and where they take me. I think this is the brightest painting I've done so far.

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posted by Angel @ 4:13 PM  
  • At 7:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello, I love your paintings.

  • At 3:13 PM, Blogger wildharmonic said…

    If this is where this drink takes you...what drink is it?

  • At 3:32 PM, Blogger Angel said…

    It's tea, Gabe. How many times have you been sitting in a restaurant with friends having a good time and quietly reflecting/enjoying the sunset -- wishing you could bring it home with you?
    I wanted to capture the feeling of harmony with nature which is strong, powerful, limitless, full of life and brilliant; that cup and the sky compliment each other; the painting sort of incorporates the invisible viewer(you) into the painting which is represented by the cup(after all the gold is a very reflective material). The cup/drink is a very human thing, it is always very individual. You could say that the cup in my paintings is the vessel that contains emotion. (But not just) Here, the sunset and the cup are in harmony; the cup just like the viewer is mesmerized by the sunset and becomes the sunset, reflecting it, glowing in it; when I look at the painting I see an awe and delight, and yellows and oranges are expressive of light and luminosity.

  • At 6:06 AM, Blogger Alexiev said…

    Very good image... I love the coffe...

    Best wishes from Buenos Aires...
    Alexiev Store

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