Saturday, February 24, 2007
Topics anyone?
You might have noticed a few "design" changes in this blog, as well as a newborn Topics link. The topics is my #1 attempt in creating smart "categories", or tags, for the blog. I used a step-by-step from this link. I went as far as Step 5, and the thing is still not pulling through. Maybe other people have been more successful with this tutorial - somewhere. Over the rainbow. Not me! C'mon, Blogger, it's time there was a Category feature built-in - driving normal people to the level of "Hackers". There's a website called "Blogger Hacks"! With tips! Tricks! There, you might learn new terms, like - "bookmarklets" and "fresh tags". Like I don't have enough stuff going on in my life already.


posted by Angel @ 10:17 PM  
  • At 12:53 AM, Blogger Angel said…

    It doesn't seem that I can apply the Topics unless I switch to a new layout mode which completely thwarts my new template away...the new templates are accepted only in .xml format and mine is a hybrid .xhml!

  • At 1:11 PM, Blogger Viola said…


    I'm not sure, but I took a look at your blogs and it seems like you've been trying to display tags in your blogs. I'm afraid that this is something that I know very little about.

    Nevertheless, I had a look at the tutorial that you've been following and it seems that it was written for the old blogger, not beta blogger (take a look at the update to the tutorials).

    You've already given your posts labels, so to add them to your sidebar, just go to the "Template" tab on your blogger interface and select "Page Elements". Click on "Add a Page Element", then "Labels>>>Add to Blog".

    You might also want to check out d2b in Beta - It's Alive!

    Hope this helps.


  • At 9:49 PM, Blogger Angel said…

    Viola, you are talking about the new Blogger, and I am still in a "Classic Mode". I will have to write in all the links manually.

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