Friday, June 16, 2006 |
Nib test! (And other tools comparison) |
 I recently ordered many more nibs from John Neal to try out: Rose nib, and Gillott 9050 are the favorite ones, + Gillott 170! Each nib feels different, and for example Deleter pen with the Nikko nib is the more popular one(especially for manga inking) - but altough flexible, it's not flexible enough for my taste. In contrast, I also compared two of my brushes and a Pentel Fountain Pen...They are all my "favorite", but I found that I used the Brush Pen more often than not - you can give nice eyelashes and a nice, smooth from VERY thin to very thick line -- although the ink in this Pentel will not dry right away and will SMEAR under my hand if not given enough time! That's why I got the "artist's ultimate whiteout" - and if you're one of my Ebay buyers, please don't read this! But the recommended by all Pro White totally sucked: not only it was too gunky, and "unspreadable", but when you put your drawing to the light, the pro white looks bright orange! Is that even reproductible? I now use only Aquacover by Creative Mark. I now am the happy owner of a scanner, so I'm changing all the rules: to try more conventional illustration,(although I am illustrating my book in Painter) I want to do background first, then color in the lines, and LAST ink. I have recently discovered how to do Gorgeous, seemless backgrounds(and it's not airbrush!) -- now I just have to put these skills to the test.Labels: Reviews |
posted by Angel @ 6:33 PM